Cross-cultural communication, Dr Mary Wicks
The liver, diabetes and cardiovascular disease Assoc Prof Graeme Macdonald
Politics of healthcare in the NT Dr Christine Connors
Population level application of price discounts to promote healthy living The SHOP@RIC study Julie Brimblecombe
Domestic Violence – The Hidden Epidemic Implications for Primary Health Care Nurses Speaker Prof Kelsey Hegarty
Maternal nutrition and metabolic programming are there opportunities for intervention Bev Muhlhausler (Adelaide, SA)
To cover or pop managing the blister Rae Johnson
Alcohol harms to others Dr Anne-Marie Laslett, Public Health Research Fellow, National Drug Research Institute & Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, Turning Point
Immunisation Michelle Wills
Diabetic foot disease management Roy Rasalam
Management of chronic kidney disease in the diabetic patient - practical considerations Dr Melinda Tee
Dual diagnosis in older adults Implications for services Adam Searby, Alfred Health
The spectrum of asbestos-related lung and pleural disease Dr Kydia Makarie Rofail
Ice Addiction Dr Philip Crowley
ARF RHD What we know we don't know Professor Bart Currie
The ‘community’ as an agent of alcohol management in Aboriginal communities a critical examination Professor Peter d’Abbs, Menzies School of Health Research
Give an inch and they’ll take a foot diabetes & wound healing Jan Rice
Sydney Adventist Hospital GP Conference
Family Violence Associated with Drug Addiction Professor Ann M Roche
Improving treatment of youth substance use and comorbidity Associate Professor Leanne Hides, Deputy Director, Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research (CYSAR), UQ
Substance abuse and parenting Tram Nguyen
Why do my diabetic patients get short of breath Gluttony and sloth in the myocardium and vasculature Prof Tom Marwick
Early life origins of type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases Len Harrison
Can social and educational markers predict risk for future health vulnerabilities in young people Sarah Bradfield, Maggie Church, Jane Mendelson
Rippa skin tear management Matt Dutton
Sydney Adventist Hospital GP Conference