Eye and Ear
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Eye and ear surgical support— achieving improved outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Karen Hale-Robertson
Acute Red Eye – diagnosis and management for Primary Care Dr Guy Bylsma
Sudden Visual Loss Assoc Prof Alastair Meyer
Foreigh body of Ear Nose and throat Assoc Prof Peter Kas
Review of history and examination in the patient presenting with an eye problem Dr Anil Arora
Common Eye Emergency Cases Dr Anil Arora
New approach to dizziness Dr Pankaj Arora
Paediatric Eye Problems Prof James Elder
Pearls and pitfalls in paediatric ophthalmology - Dr Michael Jones
Looking out for lazy eye and squint Harry Leung
Neuro-ophthalmic cases: The impact of diet - AssocProf. Clare Fraser
Case: Footballer with light-headedness Assoc Prof André La Gerche
Neuro-Ophthalmic Presentations to General Practice Prof Justin O’Day
Why use optometry in this day and age when retinal cameras and item numbers are available? Mr Mitchell D Anjou AM
Fundamentals of Diabetic Retinopathy Dr Kwon Kang
Sydney Adventist Hospital GP Conference
Diabetic Eye Problems Dr Tim Henderson
Current management of diabetic retinopathy - Dr Christine Younan
Tele-ophthalmology service delivery in Australia and China Success story Prof Yogi Kanagasingam Research Director, The Australian E-Health Research Centre, CSIRO
Ocular Trauma Dr Will Davies Emergency Physician
Macular Disease-AMD-diabetic retinopathy-retinal vein occlusions- the anti VEGF revolution - Dr Nitin Verma AM
Eye Disorders and the Role of the Primary Health Care Nurse Speaker Simon Hanna
Tumors of the ocular surface James Muecke
Lumps and bumps around the eye - Dr Anthony Maloof
The unsafe ear - when to refer Philip Chang