Don't Forget the Bubbles 18 Paediatric Emergency
Presentations recorded live at Don't Forget the Bubbles 18. Please note that some lectures were part of combined streams and so are available in each stream's folder.
Acute Paediatric Radiology Craig Hacking
Anticoagulants and kids Fiona Newall
Biting into the meatiest simulation literature - Simulcast Journal Club Live Jesse Spurr, Ben Symon, and Victoria Brazil
Emerging infectious diseases Mike Starr
Are we using simulation for the right purpose Victoria Brazil interviews Kara Allen
Infant Crying Katie Tinning
High-flow nasal cannula in bronchiolitis Franz Babl
Joanne & Scott's little kingdom Being NICU parents Joanne & Scott Beedie
Neonatal Intubation You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut Shabs Rajapaksa
Legal ethics and sim Hosted by Ian Summers, with panellists Liz Crowe, Damian Roland, Katherine Lorenz and Katie Moore
Neonatal surgery Ross Fisher
Paediatric murmurs Ari Horton
Non-accidental long bone injuries Nikki Abela
Parental grief More than just tissues Liz Crowe
Trauma, teams, and tribes Victoria Brazil
Venous access in children Amanda Ullman
The collapsed cardiac baby Kath Browning Carmo
Top 5 papers in PEM Arjun Rao
Remember what the real enemy is Fluid assessment in sepsis Elliot Long
What's all this huddling about Kylie Stark
When nothing works, how do we get better Greg Kelly
What happens next in child protection cases Jo Tully
The cutting edge of burns management Fiona Wood