CheckUP is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to better health for people and communities who need it most. We work with our partner organisations and health providers to create healthier communities and reduce health inequities. Through our current range of health programs and initiatives, CheckUP has an established footprint in 190 communities across Queensland.
Using the ECHO model to empower GPs to manage children with ADHD Dr Dana Newcomb Children’s Health Queensland
Supporting health professionals to understand and respond to domestic and family violence Joanna Gurd, Queensland Health
Inclusive Health Partnerships Integrated care across housing, health, social support & complex care needs. Maria O’Connor, Micah Projects
Digital Health Disruption in care models via technology Dan McInerney, Oceania Director, eHealth, EY
#health2020 It’s health but not as we know it Dr Louise Schaper, CEO, Health Informatics Society Australia
The Art of the Possible Panel Discussion
How Service Providers are Re-inventing Themselves Lisa Robey
Service Providers are Re-inventing Themselves Lifestyle Therapies and Training Solutions Glen McIntyre
Transforming front line service delivery Anthony Oostenbroek Montrose
A Smoother journey Service Providers are Re-inventing Themselves True Relationships & Reproductive Health Alice Evans
How Service Providers are Re-inventing Themselves Panel Discussion
Postcards from the future Check Up Forum Panel Discussion
The Consumer Rules! Monica Bradley, Founder, Purposeful Capital