Australian Menopause Society Congress 2017
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Managing menopause after breast cancer Prof Martha Hickey
Clinical Trial Update 2017 Dr Sonia Davison
Bones The latest in osteoporosis management Michael McClung
Medications that adversely affect bone density Prof Peter Ebeling AO
Interpreting DXA Scans Pitfalls and problems Michael McClung
Exercise for osteoporosis - unmasking pelvic floor dysfunction Assoc Prof Kathy Briffa
Menopause and Bone Panel Discussion Prof Peter Ebeling Dr Mike McClung
Hypertension in Post-Menopausal Women Prof Lawrence Beilin AO
Hyperlipidemia – current controversies and guidelines for management Tim Bates
Obesity and weight management at mid-life Prof Joe Proietto AM
The ageing face and body – a plastic surgeon’s perspective Dr Tim Hewitt
Management of bleeding Prof Beverley Vollenhoven
Contraception at perimenopause Clin Assoc Prof Deborah Bateson
NAFLD & menopause what's the story Dr David Iser
Hot and bothered Panel Discussion
Social media – an update and the interface with medicine Hugh Stephens
Getting “app”y – apps for women’s health and menopause – what’s out there Hugh Stephens
Menopause and work Martha Hickey
Invitation to AMS 2017 Deborah Bateson
What’s new in menopause guidelines Clin Assoc Prof Amanda Vincent
Highlights from IMS Prague meeting rof Rod Baber
Clinical Trial Update 2016 Dr Sonia Davison