Child safety case studies Dr Erica Baer
Next Generation Study Update Preliminary qualitative findings Prof Sandra Eades
Rheumatic Heart Disease What's New Prof Graeme Maguire
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and the impact on Type 2 Diabetes or the Perils of soft drink Prof Wendy Oddy
Prevention - Sugar and Obesity Panel Discussion
Making alcohol and drug treatment more accessible to Indigenous communities Professor Kate Conigrave, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the University of Sydney
FASD across the lifespan Vicki Russell, CEO, NOFASD Australia
Tjukarurru Wangkantjaku (Doing things Right Way) -Insights from the Central Australian Renal Voice
FASD The hidden Pandemic Dr Heidi Webster
From Vulcans’ throne update on burn care Rae Johnson
Sydney Adventist Hospital GP Conference
Alice Springs Hospital Readmission Prevention Project Dr Gabby Diplock
Session 1 Panel Discussion
Acute Rheumatic Fever & Rheumatic Heart Disease, Queensland Dr Stephen Lambert
Diabetes Stream - Panel Discussion
B.strong Development and delivery of integrated health promotion in the Queensland Health Brief Intervention Training Program Dr Frances Cunningham
‘Which child with chronic cough warrants investigation’ DR MARC THEILHABER
The role and impact of alcohol and intimate partner violence Ingrid Wilson, Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe University
Influencing policies on youth and petrol sniffing The work of CAYLUS Blair McFarland
Cardiac surgery Patient's journey Dr Bo Remenyi
Cultural safety in research, Prof Kerry Taylor & Colleen Hayes
Renal complication of Diabetes Mellitus Dr Basant Pawar
AF - How to treat AF Dr Bernhard Kuepper
Type 2 Diabetes mellitus in young people Disaster Preparedness Dr Christine Connors
Central Australian Academic Health Science Centre Prof David Lloyd