AF Shock 'em now or later Dr Adam Michael
Cauda equina Dr Jaycen Cruickshank
Chest Tubes Where the hell did you put that Dr Jaycen Cruickshank
C Collars on or off Dr Luke Lawton
Concussion (Mild TBI) Assoc Prof Alastair Meyer
Epistaxis Dr Will Davies
Guillain Barre The Many Presentations Dr Adam Michaels
Foreigh body of Ear Nose and throat Assoc Prof Peter Kas
Is my patient going to die Dr Pascal Gelperowicz
Heart failure What's new in 2018 Dr Luke Lawton
Lumbar Puncture How much Where Why When What Dr Will Davies
Neuro Exam Pearls Upper Limb Assoc Prof Peter Kas
Papers That Changed my Practice EMCORE Faculty
Pitfalls in trauma management Dr Luke Lawton
Reversing DOACs Dr Pascal Gelperowicz
C-spine clearance in children Dr Claire Wilkin
Sudden Visual Loss Assoc Prof Alastair Meyer
The PAN Scan Are you doing it Dr Will Davies
The surgical airway and ENT perspective Dr Charles Giddings
Thoracic Aortic Dissection Pearls Dr Pascal Gelperowicz
Trauma 5 things to do Dr Luke Lawton
Vertigo - the dizzy patient Assoc Prof Peter Kas
Vascular access Dr Will Davies
Seizure management Assoc Prof Alastair Meyer