Consumer technology and wellness management Panel Discussion
Bringing scale to telehealth in Australia. How do we tear down the barriers Panel Discussion
The opportunities and next steps Leigh Donoghue Chair, ATC 2016
Delivering innovative outcomes in the Victorian Stroke Telemedicine program Dr Chris Bladin
Engaging clinicians using a data -led telehealth method at Fiona Stanley Hospital Josh Sacks Telehealth Coordinator, Fiona Stanley Hospital
Emerging and new business models and platforms bringing change to healthcare delivery Narelle Leong General Manager Telehealth, Telstra Health
Coviu A feature rich video consultation interface Dr Silvia Pfeiffer CSIRO
Virtual care - the force multiplier Wendy Carroll
Demystifying the complex Kim Casburn
How to redesign your service to better incorporate telehealth and online services Bruce Pedersen Managing Director, The Checkley Group Alicia Curry Director, The Checkley Group
Report Key learnings and outcomes from the workshops
Bringing scalability to telehealth telemedicine Panel
Scaling up telehealth - the Nepean Telehealth Centre Prof Mohamed Khadra Professor and Head of Surgery, Sydney Medical School
Telehealth Healthcare at your fingertips Fiona Hearn Executive General Manager Care Innovation and Quality, Royal District Nursing Service
Establishment of a Geri Connect Service Jackie Plunkett
Extending the reach of primary care into the community and at home Jason Trethowan CEO, Western Victoria Primary Health Network
Home medical devices will move telemedicine into the mainstream Dr Andrew LinFounder and CEO, CliniCloud
Tele-ophthalmology service delivery in Australia and China Success story Prof Yogi Kanagasingam Research Director, The Australian E-Health Research Centre, CSIRO