ADEA Plenary Improving Biomedical & Psychosocial Outcomes in Young Persons with Type 1 Diabetes Prof Lori Laffel
ADS-ADEA Plenary Disease Modifying Therapy in T1D What an endocrinologist needs to know Carla Greenbaum
Diabetes peer support in Australia Panel Discussion
Diabetes peer support in Australia Whare are we now and a roadmap for the future Dr Jessica Browne
Diabetes Victoria Peer Support Program Carolyn Jones
Diabetes peer support What is the evidence David Simmons
People like me Renza Scibilia
MATADOR Study Effect of taking breaks from weight loss Prof Nuala Byrne (via Skype) Read the clinical paper https://www.nature.com/articles/ijo2017206.pdf
Read the clinical paper https://www.nature.com/articles/ijo2017206.pdf
Optimizing weight loss outcomes by manipulating the level, duration and frequency of energy restriction Assoc Prof Amanda Salis
The Power of using information technology, social media and more for Diabetes Care Dr Petra Wilson
The effects of intermittent compared to continuous energy restriction on glycaemic control in type 2 diabtes Sharayah Carter
Using intermittent fasting in people with diabetes The RPAH Experience Clin Assoc Prof Jane Overland
ADS Kellion Award From Jock to Doc - a career long passion to prove exercise is medicine Mark Febraio
ADS R & A Wikramanayake Award Characteristics of novel sub-phentotypes of human obesity Implications for diabetes prevention and treatment Jerry Greenfield
The new biology of diabetes Domenico Accili
Population level application of price discounts to promote healthy living The SHOP@RIC study Julie Brimblecombe
Intergenerational impact of T2D on First Nations families amd communities Brandy Wicklow
Working with communities Aboriginal community leader's perspective Glenn Pearson
The Co-Design of Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed with Indigenous Australians Helen Mitchell Deb Schofield
Can digital health programs really improve diabetes outcomes Prof Brian Oldenburg
Using the technology toolbox to build better a diabetes service Bec Johnson
The future is now - technologies changing diabetes care Prof John Furler
Jan Baldwin Oration Kirrily Chambers and Ann Morris
Hypothetical Our Kids are fat, getting diabetes and what are we going to do about it