ACNEM 2018
8th Science of Nutrition in Medicine Conference May 2018
With living in increasingly stressful environments and advancing age, many people have multiple conditions, together with multiple and overlapping risks, triggers and perpetuating factors. Optimum health outcomes require an integrated biomedical approach to address the dynamic and complex interplay between genes, gut, nutrition and environmental health.
Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (NEM) is concerned with the interaction of nutritional and environmental factors with human biochemistry and physiology, and the resulting physiological and psychological symptoms and pathology. NEM is evidence-based, drawing on the latest biomedical and genetic science and research to develop new treatment approaches to illness and disease, for primary prevention and to promote optimal health and well-being.
Nutritional deficiencies, imbalances, or the presence of environmental toxins in the body can result in cellular dysfunction, illness or disease. Treatment is aimed at correcting underlying causes as well as providing symptomatic relief. This may involve removal of certain foods from the diet or toxins from the patient’s environment, or prescription of supplements such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids where diet and lifestyle alone cannot rectify physiological imbalances.
Good health begins in the GIT Emerging science behind the maxim Dr Robert Rountree
Weight gain over a lifetime Prof Emeritus Joseph Proietto
Weight gain Evidence Based Management Professor Emeritus Joseph Proietto
Fasting-mimicking diet reduces risk factors for ageing, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease in preclinical and clinical studies Dr Sebastian Brandhorst
Metabolic disruption – the role of heavy metals and metallothionein Dr Sreekumar Appukuttannair Dr Lenny Da Costa
Metabolism New Frontiers Panel Discussion
The Oral Microbiome your first line of defence Professor Emeritus John Tagg
Dietary therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal disease Dr Emma Halmos
The active role of food components on intestinal receptors and immunity Professor Charles Mackay
Gut and Immune Connections Latest Perspectives Panel Discussion 1
Case Study Integrative Medicine Approach to Ulcerative Colitis Dr Robert Rountree
Fasting Mimicking Diet Michael Thomsen
Gut and Immune Connections Latest Perspectives Panel Discussion 2
Professor Ian Brighthope Oration Oxidative stress in ageing Assoc Prof Ross Grant
An integrative understanding of nutritional needs of human ageing Professor David Cameron-Smith
ACNEM Day 2 Session 1 Panel Discussion
Integrating genetic, nutritional and environmental approaches for healthy ageing Dr Denise Furness
Acidosis and Ageing the dietary protein v potassium riddle Rachel Arthur
Ageing and Modern Disease The Mitochondrial Connection Nathan Rose
Healthy Ageing The Modern Approach Panel Discussion
Investigation & Treatment of Oxidative Stress A multimodal approach Assoc Prof Ross Grant
Functional Nutrients for diverting the trains of ageing Warren Maginn
Environmental Chemical Assessment in Clinical Practice Nicole Bijlsma