8B Better Care for Rural and Remote Populations
Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care 2023
1h 30m
- Virtual Nurse Assist and Virtual Midwifery Care (vNAMC): A Model of Care Addressing Healthcare Disparities in Remote Settings Sarah Wooden, RPA Virtual Hospital, Australia
- ROSIA (Remote Rehabilitation Service for Isolated Areas) project: Improving access to rehabilitation for people in isolated and remote areas through the development of cutting-edge digital solutions and innovative service delivery Aine Carroll, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Ireland
- Telehealth is not just about voice and video, it’s about people, the way we meaningfully engage, and all of the support, and resources needed to operate a model of care that will improve equity, wellbeing, and health Michaela Kamo, Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation, New Zealand
- Integrating care in remote First Nation’s communities: Experience of health professionals, community services and allied health students Alice Cairns and Niccola Currie, James Cook University, Australia
- Informing a match between the health needs of rural communities and their health workforce Christine Hendry, University of Otago, New Zealand
Chaired by Hazel Dalton, Rural Health Research Institute, Charles Sturt University
Up Next in Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care 2023
8C Improving Access and Experience fo...
- Integrated outreach model of care: Enhancing access to blood borne virus (BBV) and cancer screening for priority populations Ana Romero and Brooke Dailey, Slhd, Australia
- A Tool for Patients with AutoImmunity: Information is Empowering Charmaine Jones, Dragon Claw Charity, Australia
- Visio... -
10A Integrated Care Challenges and Op...
- Integration at Chiricahuca Community Health Centers, Inc.: Successes and Challenges Tamika Sullivan, Chiricahua Community Health Center, Inc, United States of America
- Growing tentacles…. The evolution and evaluation of Activate Your Space - A place-based approach on the NSW Central Coast Nic... -
10B Supporting the Health and Care Wo...
- Communities of Practice and Cultural Immersion for First Nations Mental Health Workers Elise Smith, Hunter New England Primary Health Network, Australia
- Veilomani 2022 Training digital professional development for health care workers in Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) Brigid...