Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care 2023

Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care 2023

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To create truly sustainable and resilient health and care systems that really address health inequalities, a system-wide transformation is needed. A new focus on preventative health, particularly for socially and economically disadvantaged communities is required to support better outcomes for all. This conference will focus on taking an equitable approach to designing and delivering health and care services, working across multiple organisations, health and care agencies, but also policing and housing and other support agencies, and including the NGO and the community sector. A system-wide approach is immediately required to achieve better outcomes for individual consumers and the wider population.
Find out more about the International Foundation for Integrated Care here

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Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care 2023
  • Welcome to Conference & Keynote Address Matthew Daly

    Welcome to Conference
    Dr Niamh Lennox-Chhugani, Chief Executive, International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC)
    Prof. Aine Carroll, Interim Chairperson, International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC)
    Dr Greg Stewart, Chair, IFIC Australia
    Welcome Keynote Address
    Matthew Daly, Deputy Sec...

  • PLENARY 1 - Learning from First Peoples, First Nations and Indigenous Peoples

    Chaired by Professor Rhonda Wilson, Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Newcastle
    - Collaborative models, including partnerships, co-leadership and parallel development Professor Faye McMillan AM FPS, Deputy National Rural Health Commissioner, Allied Health and Indigenous He...

  • PLENARY 2 - Supporting the health and care workforce

    Chaired by Dr Viktoria Stein, Co-Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC), Senior Associate, International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) and Assistant Professor, Leiden University Medical Centre, Netherlands and Lisa Parcsi, Director, Integration & Partnership, Syd...

  • PLENARY 3 - Developing primary and community-based care

    Chaired by Dr Caroline Nicholson, Director Operations & Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Health System Reform & Integration, Mater Research Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia
    - The future of primary health care Dr Jeff Lowe, Board Member, Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand

  • PLENARY 4 - Intersectoral and multisectoral approaches to integrating care

    Chaired by Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director, Central Coast Research Institute (APIC3 Scientific Chair) and Professor Áine Carroll, Chair, International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC)
    - Dr Niamh Lennox-Chhugani, Chief Executive, International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC)
    - Asso...

  • 1A Benefits of Multidisciplinary Approaches

    - GP Liaison in Alcohol and Other Drugs (GLAD) Paul Hardy, CESPHN, Australia
    - The effects of multidisciplinary collaborative care on cardiovascular risk factors among patients with diabetes in primary care settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis Qiang Tu, The University Of Sydney, Austra...

  • 1B Better Pathways of Care

    - Disease focused integrated care for the treatment of skin cancer in New South Wales Anand Deva, Integrated Specialist Healthcare Education And Research Foundation, Australia
    - Caring for our consumers - Murrumbidgee Local Health District’s Integrated Care journey Mid Battye, Murrumbidgee Local ...

  • 1C Rural and Remote Children’s Care

    Note: Audio issue with some sections of this presentation
    - Providing care coordination to children with medical complexity in rural New South Wales: implementation experiences from four local health districts Karen Hutchinson, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University, Aust...

  • 2A Oral Poster Session

    - Impact at scale – enhancing and sustaining virtual communities of practice through an integrated management platform Perrin Moss, Children’s Health Queensland Hospital And Health Service, Australia
    - The liver toolkit – an innovative IT solution to screen patients in general practice for undia...

  • 3A Collaborations, Leadership and Partnerships

    - Ngā Hua a Mataora- A Māori Community Based Integrated Health Approach Zarah Allport, Te Whanau O Waipareira, New Zealand
    - From silos to integrated systems - using a valuesbased, interorganisational and intersectoral Collaborative model to improve care at the end of life across the West Moreton...

  • 3B International Innovative Models of Care

    - Indian Model of Integrated Healthcare (IMIH): A conceptual approach to design a coordinated referral system in resourceconstrained settings Moonis Mirza, All India Institute of Medical Science, Bathinda, India
    - Changing Healthcare: The barriers to integration in our health system Simon Ashley...

  • 3C Improving Children’s Experience through Integrated Care

    - The Cockburn Aboriginal Ear Health Program - An Integrated Approach to Addressing Middle Ear Disease in Aboriginal Children Clory Carrello, Cockburn Integrated Health, Australia
    - EPIC-CP program: development of a novel social prescribing intervention for families of children with cerebral pal...

  • 4A Integrating Health and Social Care

    - Communities of Care – Developing a health and social care framework in Central Singapore Shermaine How, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
    - Integrated Health and Social Care Centre for Research Excellence: Advancing True Integration in Australia Gabriela Uribe, The University of Sydney, Austra...

  • 4B HealthPathways Program Results

    - HealthPathways scoping review Anna McGlynn, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Australia
    - HealthPathways: Balancing local relevance and national priorities to deliver integrated care Lucinda Whiteley, HealthPathways Community, New Zealand
    - The power of community - Changing clinical...

  • 4C Co-design with Children and Families

    - Partnering with Families: Does a patient specific management plan improve communication for carers of children with medical complexities? Christine Lau, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, Australia
    - Co-designing Improved Primary Health Responses to D...

  • 6A Integrating Primary and Secondary Care

    - Implementation of an asynchronous general practitioner to specialist eConsultant service in Australia Caroline Nicholson, Mater Research Institute, The University of Queensland
    - The Care Collective – Caboolture: improving access to primary health care and care coordination Alison Berigan, Bri...

  • 6B Co-design with People and Communities

    - Evidence-based, consumer led innovative co-design through Healthy North Coast’s Mental Health Reform Project, led to new hub and spoke mental health, suicide prevention and drug and alcohol treatment services on the North Coast Aimee McNeill, Healthy North Coast, Australia
    - Loneliness as a So...

  • 6C Realising the Impact of Child and Family Hubs

    - National Child and Family Hubs Network: supporting Hubs as ‘front doors’ for equitable support for families across Australia Suzy Honisett, Centre for Community Child Health, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia
    - Implementing an Integrated Child and Family Hub – Lessons from the T...

  • 7A Oral Poster Session

    - Development of localised information on Dementia Services and Support for Clinicians and Community Members of the Central Coast NSW Australia Sara James, Primary Health Network, Australia
    - Urgent care – a new model of primary health care led by General Practitioners that reduces emergency dep...

  • 7C Evaluating Integrated Care (Practice)

    - Envisaging a new model of primary care for complex multimorbidity in Aotearoa New Zealand Anna Askerud, University Of Otago/Te Pukenga Otago School Of Nursing, New Zealand
    - Building the evaluation of Integrated Team Care with service providers. Toni Manton and Holly Kovac, HNECC PHN, Australi...

  • 8A Understanding the Impact of Partnership Approaches

    - Do those in primary health care see it as in their interest to be part of more collaborative and joined-up environments? Lesley Middleton, Victoria University Of Wellington, New Zealand
    - Canteen, Camp Quality and Redkite partnership in practice: Co-design of an online group parenting program ...

  • 8B Better Care for Rural and Remote Populations

    - Virtual Nurse Assist and Virtual Midwifery Care (vNAMC): A Model of Care Addressing Healthcare Disparities in Remote Settings Sarah Wooden, RPA Virtual Hospital, Australia
    - ROSIA (Remote Rehabilitation Service for Isolated Areas) project: Improving access to rehabilitation for people in isolat...

  • 8C Improving Access and Experience for Priority Populations

    - Integrated outreach model of care: Enhancing access to blood borne virus (BBV) and cancer screening for priority populations Ana Romero and Brooke Dailey, Slhd, Australia
    - A Tool for Patients with AutoImmunity: Information is Empowering Charmaine Jones, Dragon Claw Charity, Australia
    - Visio...

  • 10A Integrated Care Challenges and Opportunities

    - Integration at Chiricahuca Community Health Centers, Inc.: Successes and Challenges Tamika Sullivan, Chiricahua Community Health Center, Inc, United States of America
    - Growing tentacles…. The evolution and evaluation of Activate Your Space - A place-based approach on the NSW Central Coast Nic...