8B Better Care for Rural and Remote Populations
1h 30m
- Virtual Nurse Assist and Virtual Midwifery Care (vNAMC): A Model of Care Addressing Healthcare Disparities in Remote Settings Sarah Wooden, RPA Virtual Hospital, Australia
- ROSIA (Remote Rehabilitation Service for Isolated Areas) project: Improving access to rehabilitation for people in isolated and remote areas through the development of cutting-edge digital solutions and innovative service delivery Aine Carroll, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Ireland
- Telehealth is not just about voice and video, it’s about people, the way we meaningfully engage, and all of the support, and resources needed to operate a model of care that will improve equity, wellbeing, and health Michaela Kamo, Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation, New Zealand
- Integrating care in remote First Nation’s communities: Experience of health professionals, community services and allied health students Alice Cairns and Niccola Currie, James Cook University, Australia
- Informing a match between the health needs of rural communities and their health workforce Christine Hendry, University of Otago, New Zealand
Chaired by Hazel Dalton, Rural Health Research Institute, Charles Sturt University