6C Realising the Impact of Child and Family Hubs
1h 36m
- National Child and Family Hubs Network: supporting Hubs as ‘front doors’ for equitable support for families across Australia Suzy Honisett, Centre for Community Child Health, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia
- Implementing an Integrated Child and Family Hub – Lessons from the Trenches Sarah Loveday, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia
- Key Facilitators of Practice Change in an Integrated Child and Family Hub: A Practitioner Perspective Sarah Loveday, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia
- Reaching Out and Reaching In: A Community Co-designed Child And Family Wellbeing Hub Ellie Saberi, Northern New South Wales Local Health District, Australia
- An orientation model for implementing and sustaining integrated health and social care hubs for early childhood development Michael Hodgins, Unsw, Australia
Chaired by John Eastwood, Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand