3B International Innovative Models of Care
1h 25m
- Indian Model of Integrated Healthcare (IMIH): A conceptual approach to design a coordinated referral system in resourceconstrained settings Moonis Mirza, All India Institute of Medical Science, Bathinda, India
- Changing Healthcare: The barriers to integration in our health system Simon Ashley, Atune Health Centres, Australia
- Communities of Care: Tracking the maturation of partnerships in localized care ecosystems built to support placebased care Byron Au, Agency for Integrated Care, Singapore
- Novel model of integrated care delivery for patients with cardiac arrhythmias Jeroen Hendriks, Flinders University, Australia
- Comprehensive community-based model of care for Management of Paediatric Asthma (CoMPAs) – preliminary results of a randomised controlled trial Ryan Mackle, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
- Self-administration of Bortezomib for patients with myeloma: Preliminary findings from a feasibility study Jacqueline Jagger, Central Coast Local Health District, Australia
Chaired by Jason Yap, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health