Care of the dying patient with cancer Dr Frank Brennan & Joan Ryan
“Let’s Start Talking” about Advance Care Planning Denise Lyons
Palliative care emergencies Dr Nicola Morgan
Advance Care Directives and the new legislation What has changed Dr Chris Moy GP Arkaba Medical Centre & expert panel member, SA Advance Care Directives Review
Living well in palliative care - the role of music therapy Vanessa Couper
Radiation oncology for palliative medicine trainees Kathy Pope
Communication skills in advanced malignancy Dr Amy Waters
Oncology speed dating learn everything about lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancers in just 60 minutes Jo Seah & Michael Franco
Living longer Dying better A framework of palliative care for older Australians living in the community Dr Gregory Parker
A crash course in cancer biology for palliative medicine trainees Michael Franco
Palliative care in the aged care setting Michael Chapman
Paediatrics palliative medicine Emily Chang
Introduction to grief and breavement care for palliative medicine trainees Chris Hall
Psycho-oncology for palliative medicine trainees Di Clifton
Palliative Care and End of Life Issues Dr Linda Foreman Consultant Palliative Care Physician, TQEH