Welcome Peter Goss
Low Glucose Levels and AID systems Bruce King
Managing Nutrition and AID systems Carmel Smart
When will Insulin Become Obselete Michelle So
Recent Advances in CGM Lucy Casson
YPSOMED CamsAPS Deb Foskett
MEDTRONIC AID Megan Paterson
TANDEM T SLIM Control IQ AID Nicola Hamood
OMNIPOD 5 AID Lucy Casson
Insulin Smart Pens Georgia Green
Benefits of the SWEET register Darrell Price
Expanding Regional Australian T1D Audit Thomas Sutherland
Expanding a Successful Model of T1D Care Chris Lawrence
Screening for T1D - a New Hope John Wentworth
Managing Exercise with AID Systems Peter Adolfsson (Sweden)
T1D Consumer Needs and Solutions Ange Liston-McCaughly
Safety at School - the Consumer View Tamara Boyer
ISPAD Position Statement T1D in Schools Peter Goss
Succeeding with Adolescents Jemma Anderson
Successful Transition to Adult Care Steven James
Virtual ED for T1D Ben Nash
General Paediatric Conditions and T1D Anton Harding
Managing Obesity Meredith Purvis
Disordered Eating in T1D Megan Paterson