Maternal & Child Health Stream Panel Discussion
Alcohol-related violence What works and what do we need to do Dr Peter Miller, Principal Reserach Fellow, School of Psychology, Deakin University
Culture Panel Discussion
Getting the fizz out of the hospital foyer Dr Jeff Brown
FASD the hidden pandemic Dr Doug Shelton, Clinical Director, Community Child Health & Medical Director, Children’s Health Services, Gold Coast Health
Eye Care for Diabetes, an Indigenous Perspective Hugh Taylor
Substance use across ages how use changes over time Professor Maree Teesson, Director, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use (CREMS))
Insulin management in remote settings - challenges and tips Dr Gillian Perriment
Chronic Kidney Disease Progression in adults prior to commencing haemodialysis in Central Australia Dr Anna Holwell
Fights, bites & accidents traumatic wounds Matt Dutton
Measuring diabetes burden - prevalence or incidence Prof Jonathan Shaw
Nutrition in drug affected infant John Sinn
Designing an integrated care initiative for vulnerable families Operationalization of realist causal and programme theory, Sydney Australia John Eastwood
An alcohol and drug clinician’s guide to addressing family and domestic violence Professor Ann Roche, Director, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA)
Working with complexity Dr Fraser Todd, National Addiction Centre, University of Otago, New Zealand
Intergenerational impact of T2D on First Nations families amd communities Brandy Wicklow
Change of Heart report and time to end CVD complacency Prof Tom Marwick
The hidden harms alcohol & its impact on children & families Dr Anne-Marie Laslett, Public Health Research Fellow, National Drug Research Institute & Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, Turning Point
Rheumatic valve disease New Zealand perspective Associate Professor Adam EL-Gamel
Magical mystery tour choosing the right dressing Jan Rice
Female Urinary Incontinence and Prolapse Dr Alison De Souza
Management of diabetes in the setting of CKD Dr Clement Lo
Is it time for everyone to Rethink Sugary Drinks Jane Martin
Current management of diabetic retinopathy - Dr Christine Younan