Ortho Pearls - improving your chances of not missing a fracture A Prof Peter Kas
Non-invasive innovations in critical illness monitoring A Prof Paul Middleton
Ketamine for analgesia Dr Andrew Perry
My feet are numb Dr James Edwards
Hypertension in pregnancy Dr James Dent
Aortic Dissection Dr James Edwards
5 Things to do with the syncope patient A Prof Peter Kas
Diplopia A prof Peter Kas
Can sex improve nasal function A Prof Peter Kas
You may not be THE leader, but you can always behave as A leader Dr Sam Bendall
Surgical Airway is a TEAM sport Dr Sam bendall
The Crashing Child Top 5 tips Dr Claire Wilkin-Marshall
Paediatric Toxicology Dr Adam Michael
Paediatric Critical Asthma Dr Claire Wilkin-Marshall
Occupational Violence & Duty of Care Dr Luke Lawton
NIV in APO Dr Andrew Perry
Managing Behaviours of Concern in the Paediatric ED Dr Claire Wilkin-Marshall
Life threatening Asthma Dr Sam Bendall
Data Science in Emergency Medicine A Prof Paul Middleton
Electrical Storm Dr Will Davies
Head Injury and Cervical spine Resource Rich vs Resource Poor Peter Kas, Paul Middleton, Sam Bendall, Adam Michael, Claire Wilkin-Marshall
Cardiac Arrest State of the Art Dr Luke Lawton
A Resuscitation Case Team Leadership, Resources, Errors A Prof Peter Kas
Airway - lets get back to what's important Dr Sinead Ni Bhraonain