An alcohol and drug clinician’s guide to addressing family and domestic violence Professor Ann Roche, Director, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA)
The ‘community’ as an agent of alcohol management in Aboriginal communities a critical examination Professor Peter d’Abbs, Menzies School of Health Research
Substance use across ages how use changes over time Professor Maree Teesson, Director, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use (CREMS))
Making alcohol and drug treatment more accessible to Indigenous communities Professor Kate Conigrave, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the University of Sydney
Dual diagnosis in older adults Implications for services Adam Searby, Alfred Health
FASD the hidden pandemic Dr Doug Shelton, Clinical Director, Community Child Health & Medical Director, Children’s Health Services, Gold Coast Health
Smoking and mental illness Addressing myths and barriers Assoc Prof Judith Prochaska
FASD across the lifespan Vicki Russell, CEO, NOFASD Australia
Novel psychoactive substances – the data, the facts & whats trending Associate Professor Raimondo Bruno, Psychology, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania
Opioids friend or foe – current evidence of the use of opioids in pain management and its risks and benefits Joyce McSwan, Clinical Consultant Pharmacist, GCML Persistent Pain Project Manager
The role and impact of alcohol and intimate partner violence Ingrid Wilson, Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe University
How nicotine addiction develops Prof Joseph DiFranza
The hidden harms alcohol & its impact on children & families Dr Anne-Marie Laslett, Public Health Research Fellow, National Drug Research Institute & Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, Turning Point
Improving treatment of youth substance use and comorbidity Associate Professor Leanne Hides, Deputy Director, Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research (CYSAR), UQ
Working with complexity Dr Fraser Todd, National Addiction Centre, University of Otago, New Zealand