VLCDs and pharmacotherapy Prof Joe Proietto AM
Bariatric surgery – positive and negative consequences Prof Wendy Brown
Dietary intervention for weight loss choices for content and delivery Assoc Prof Marina Reeves
Weighty choices diet vs drugs vs surgery Panel Discussion
I do not like green eggs and ham Feeding David Tickell
Fierce conversations An approach to obesity Matt Sabin
Neonatal surgery Ross Fisher
Dietary therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal disease Dr Emma Halmos
Acidosis and Ageing the dietary protein v potassium riddle Rachel Arthur
Fasting Mimicking Diet Michael Thomsen
Fasting-mimicking diet reduces risk factors for ageing, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease in preclinical and clinical studies Dr Sebastian Brandhorst
Weight gain Evidence Based Management Professor Emeritus Joseph Proietto
Weight gain over a lifetime Prof Emeritus Joseph Proietto
Building the foundation for life Kyra Sim
‘What does a low FODMAPs diet look like for this child with [insert non-specific gastrointestinal symptom]’ DR SUE SHEPHERD
Appetite for destruction Food could make or break our world Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop World Preservation Society
Nutrition Introduction & Prescription Sally Mathrick BA (Meb) BNat (SCU)
MATADOR Study Effect of taking breaks from weight loss Prof Nuala Byrne (via Skype) Read the clinical paper https://www.nature.com/articles/ijo2017206.pdf
Read the clinical paper https://www.nature.com/articles/ijo2017206.pdf
Optimizing weight loss outcomes by manipulating the level, duration and frequency of energy restriction Assoc Prof Amanda Salis
Diet and nutrition in depression and brain health Prof Felice Jacka
Using intermittent fasting in people with diabetes The RPAH Experience Clin Assoc Prof Jane Overland
Diet for mental and brain health Prof Felice Jacka
Functional Health Decline and Recognition What difference does a nutrition assessment make Nutrition, Sarcopenia and Frailty Professor Renuka Visvanathan Director of Aged Care and Extended Services TQEH
Nutrition and Burn Rehabilitation Caroline Nicholls