Blood glucose monitoring; Is it fundamental to best practice inpatient care - Jane Giles
Technology: The Great Democratiser - A brief history of glucose sensing: past, present and future Dr Gary Kilov
Exercise as a treatment for Diabetes Prof Fiatarone Singh
The future is now - technologies changing diabetes care Prof John Furler
Rheumatic Heart Disease What's New Prof Graeme Maguire
Supporting Effective Self-management From the Clinic to the Community - Martha Funnell
Intergenerational impact of T2D on First Nations families amd communities Brandy Wicklow
Evolving strategies for the detection, monitoring and management of diabetic kidney disease - Richard MacIsaac
Type 2 Diabetes in pregnancy and PANDORA Prof Louise Maple-Brown
Update on type 1 diabetes prevention - John Wentworth
Diabetes Technology Vices and Virtues - John C Pickup
Diabetic Eye Problems Dr Tim Henderson
Insulin initiation in primary care for patients with type 2 diabetes 24 month follow-up of the Stepping Up trial - Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis
LEADER - More good news for the patients with type 2 diabetes - Timothy Davis
ADS-ADEA Joint Debate Carbs - Victim or Villain for Diabetes Villain
New innovative models of care and funding - Helena Teede
Building the foundation for life Kyra Sim
Why use optometry in this day and age when retinal cameras and item numbers are available? Mr Mitchell D Anjou AM
Diabetes peer support What is the evidence David Simmons
Using old diabetes drugs for prevention of type 2 diabetes Stephen Colagiuri
Management of diabetes in the setting of CKD Dr Clement Lo
Diabetic foot disease management Roy Rasalam