Promoting dementia care Ms Maree McCabe Dementia Australia
Dementia, the brain and how it works Dr Olivia Gobbo Alfred Health
Multi-morbidity (in General Practice) Dr Mukesh Haikerwal General Practitioner
Is oral hygiene important for those with dementia – after all can't we just pull out all their teeth, surely that would be easier Assoc Prof Mina Borromeo
Counting past one Exploring carer roles and responsibilities in supporting older people with multiple conditions Ms Anne Muldowney Carers Victoria
Management of Diabetes Mellitus Prof Duncan Topliss
Management of COPD in people with dementia Mr Craig Edlin
Managing the Medications in people with chronic disease and cognitive impairment or dementia Ms Robyn Stell
High risk situations consent and capacity Phil Grano OAM Office Public Advocate
Clinician’s strategies for managing chronic disease in persons with dementia dementia Assoc Prof Dina LoGiudice