Baker Institute's Indigenous Health
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Renal Disease in Central Australia What can we do about it Dr Cheri Hotu
Acute medicine Alice Springs ED Dr Stephen Gourley
Management of sepsis in a remote setting Dr Lloyd Einsiedel
Alice Springs Hospital Readmission Prevention Project Dr Gabby Diplock
Session 1 Panel Discussion
Central Australian Academic Health Science Centre Prof David Lloyd
AF - How to treat AF Dr Bernhard Kuepper
Chronic Kidney Disease Progression in adults prior to commencing haemodialysis in Central Australia Dr Anna Holwell
Stroke and CVD risk in Indigenous Australians a health economics approach Prof Robyn McDermott
Stroke and CKD Panel Discussion
Co-designing evidence based resources about diabetic retinopathy to support primary health care staff Sam Burrow
Cultural safety in research, Prof Kerry Taylor & Colleen Hayes
Cross-cultural communication, Dr Mary Wicks
Culture Panel Discussion
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction in Indigenous Australians Dr Elizabeth Barr
Blood pressure control controversy and the SPRINT trial Prof James E Sharman
Change of Heart report and time to end CVD complacency Prof Tom Marwick
Cardiovascular Disease Panel Discussion
Measuring diabetes burden - prevalence or incidence Prof Jonathan Shaw
CVD prevention in diabetes Prof Neale Cohen
Insulin management in remote settings - challenges and tips Dr Gillian Perriment
Diabetes Stream - Panel Discussion
Next Generation Study Update Preliminary qualitative findings Prof Sandra Eades
Childhood Determinants of Adult of Health Prof Alison Venn