Meal replacements and very low energy diets Prof Joe Proietto
Childhood obesity – practical tips for GPs Dr Shirley Alexander
Weight management in older adults. Think before you act Prof Joe Proietto
Introduction, and origins of Shared Medical Appointments Prof John Dixon
Shared Medical Appointments The Australian story – so far Dr John Stevens
Fitting the American experience into the Australian environment Prof Garry Egger
Gastrointestinal interventions – devices and surgery Prof John Dixon
Drugs what’s available What’s coming How can we use them intelligently Prof Ian Caterson
Shared Medical Appointments The American experience Dr Marianne Sumego
Behavioural and lifestyle interventions for all Prof Garry Egger
Panel discussion Combining therapies lifestyle, meal replacements, medications, devices and surgery, from childhood to old age
Shared Medical Appointments – practical implementation why, when, how Panel
Panel Profs Joe Proietto, John Dixon, Garry Egger