Making the management of stimulants crystal clear Dr Zeff KoutsogiannisEmergency Physician Toxicologist Austin Health
Bases of addiction Goerge Klein
Smoking Cessation Workshop Part 1 Prof Renee Bittoun
Smoking Cessation Workshop Part 2 Prof Renee Bittoun
Pain and Addiction Associate Professor Apo Dermirkol
Opioid pharmacology and cancer pain Associate Professor Ghauri Aggarwal
Older people a growing need for AOD attention Professor Ann Roche, Director, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA)
Gambling screening Dr Joel Porter
Drunk, Threatening Trauma patient, wants to leave. Can I let them Dr Michael Sheridan Emergency Director Geelong Hospital
Motivational interviewing Dr Joel Porter
Family Violence Associated with Drug Addiction Professor Ann M Roche
Acute management of paediatric head injury Dr Claire Wilkin Paediatric Emergency Physician Royal Children's Hospital
Opioid Dependency Patients that make your heart sink Dr Rhys Henning
Beyond the tip of the iceberg: What do we know about methamphetamine use and how should we respond Assoc Prof Nicole Lee
Opioids friend or foe – current evidence of the use of opioids in pain management and its risks and benefits Joyce McSwan, Clinical Consultant Pharmacist, GCML Persistent Pain Project Manager
Prescriptions medications, pathology, pain and the patient Dr Adam Winstock-all
Pharmaceuticals – a growing issue of misuse and abuse, we need to take notice now Dr Christian Rowan, Addiction Sciences
Ice Addiction Dr Philip Crowley
Substance abuse and parenting Tram Nguyen
An alcohol and drug clinician’s guide to addressing family and domestic violence Professor Ann Roche, Director, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA)
The amphetamine baby is not an opioid baby Phil Henschke
Working with complexity Dr Fraser Todd, National Addiction Centre, University of Otago, New Zealand
Substance use across ages how use changes over time Professor Maree Teesson, Director, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use (CREMS))
Tip of the ICEberg Methamphetamine Implications for Primary Health Care Speaker Jennifer Harland