16 Skin Cancer Practice Pearls

16 Skin Cancer Practice Pearls

If you don't have time to watch these lectures now, save the lectures to your phone using the armchair medical app and listen to them while exercising or commuting
Get the App: It's free to download and free to trial for a month - it also contains over 1,500 Australian GP Lectures (Click on the "Browse" button above to see all the lectures available)

Download the app: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/armchair-medical/id1087154093?mt=8
or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.vhx.armchairmedical&hl=en

Do you need more Education in Skin Cancer? (the correct answer is yes:)) Train with Australia's Best www.skincancercollege.org/events/

16 Skin Cancer Practice Pearls